Let Roger Waters play
Banning the former Pink Floyd frontman for his Nazi-uniform stunt will do nothing to challenge anti-Semitism.
Free speech and its relationship to anti-Semitism. Photo”: Megaphon" by floeschie is marked with CC BY 2.0.
Banning the former Pink Floyd frontman for his Nazi-uniform stunt will do nothing to challenge anti-Semitism.
Even if the accusations of anti-Semitism are true it does not follow that the former Pink Floyd frontman should be banned from performing in Frankfurt
Gary Lineker, Britain’s leading football pundit, was completely wrong to compare British political language today to that of Germany in the 1930s.
Bans on anti-Semitic speech paradoxically undermine the fight against anti-Semitism
I was delighted to be interviewed by Daphna Whitmore of New Zealand’s Free Speech Union on topics related to anti-Semitism and...